Loans are a viable way to pay off a big sum of money despite not having the means to do so. They can range from small sums of money that can be paid back over a month to large sums that are able to span years of repayments. Dotloans provides a long-term loan in the form of a Personal Loan.
Personal loans can start as low as R1000 and reach as high as R250 000. These loans can be paid back over a period of 5 years, meaning that larger loans will be able to be paid back without too much crunch.
The personal loan is centered around providing you a lump sum of money that can be used for any of your needs or desires. Medical fees, student fees or simply that state-of-the-art gadget you’ve been eyeing for months now. No matter the situation, the personal loan is our long-term loan solution to offer you as the consumer.
Dotloans strives to provide our clients with the best possible loan solutions. From the 30-90 day loan up to the highly customizable personal loan, rest assured that all your financial needs will be catered to in a reasonable manner.
For more information on how Dotloans can help YOU, contact us today. We might just be the lifeline you have been looking for.